Design 414N tankers

Tanker general view
Class overview
Name: 414N Russian: 414Н
General characteristics
Class and type: Oil tanker
Capacity: 600 tons of oil[1]
Notes: River tank ship
Disaster SPN-673

414N Russian: 414Н is a river tank ship class, which were developed in Russia in 1962. The class 414 is one of classes of project SPN. These tankers capacity of 600 tons[1] have small draft and are used for oil transportation on the superficial rivers of Siberia (basically Lena River).[2]



This tanker belonged to Kirenskaya repair-operational base (Kirensk) and it is equipped for oil transportation. The captain of a vessel at the moment of incident is Bulgakov Victor Vasilevich.[3] On October, 13th, 2009 the tanker followed with cargo of 496 tons of diesel fuel within the deliveries of goods to the Northern Territories.[4] Around settlement Ichera at Lena River at a vessel the steering has refused.[5] It has descended from a waterway and has run into the flooded barge.[6]

People have not suffered, after cargo swapping on other tanker a vessel have refloated by other steam-ship, 18 persons took part in works and three vessels.[6] Initially was considered that the ship has not suffered, but after survey of the refloated ship was found out that the bottom of the ship and tanks number 11 and 12 in which there was no cargo is damaged.[7]

Diesel fuel have pumped over on "Capitan Verkhoturov" tanker and have sent to destination.[8] Tanker SPN-685 should accept water-cut fuel aboard, but it was not required.[9] The steamship has removed it from a bank at 2:00 on October, 16th and has towed off for survey in Kirensk by steam-ship "Zcuya".[6][8][9]

As a result of investigation of circumstances of incident it was found out that at rapprochement with steam-ship "Captain Ineshin" the tanker has received blow and take the ground. In incident three persons have been recognised guilty:[10]

All of them have been fined, All of them have been fined,[10] check was spent by the Osetrovsky transport public prosecutor.[11]


This tanker has been equipped under transportation natural gasoline also belonged to the Yakut river shipping company. It plied on Indigirka River with calling in Moma River, delivered fuel from settlement Belaya Gora to airport Moma. On June, 28th, 1996 ship followed with cargo from Belaya Gora, on it nearby 11:00 there was an explosion, after it on a vessel there was a strong fire. At 12:00 from port Belaya Gora there have arrived some fire boats and auxiliary courts, from coast the tanker was extinguished by fire-engines. Ignition has been liquidated only by 17.30. As a result of explosion in the tanker the big hole was formed, and the tanker has sunk practically right after how has been extinguished.[12]

By accident as a result of explosion tanks with fuel have not suffered, and natural gasoline has been rolled on emergency vessels. As a result of incident the mechanic of a vessel Victor Firstov was lost and the captain of the tanker Jury Grabkin has received a severe wound.[12]

External links


  1. ^ a b "Библиотека НТВ для компьютерных программ серии «СУДОРЕМОНТ»" (in Russian). Russia. Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  2. ^ Бушуев, Àлександр (2009-02-07). "Шестьдесят лет в составе Русского Регистра" (in Russian). Russia: Ленский Водник. 
  3. ^ "16.10.2009" (in Russian). Irkutsk, Russia: Ministry of Emergency Situations. 2009-10-16. Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  4. ^ "Танкер снимают с мели" (in Russian). State and society (Moscow, Russia: RSN). 2009-10-15. Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  5. ^ ITAR-TASS (2009-10-15). "Танкер сел на мель на реке Лена из-за отказа рулевого управления" (in Russian). Moscow, Russia: Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  6. ^ a b c (2009-10-15). "На Лене танкер с дизтопливом сел на мель" (in Russian). Incindents (Sakha Republic, Russia: Sakha life). Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  7. ^ RIA Novosti (2009-10-16). "Специалисты сняли с мели танкер в Иркутской области" (in Russian). Moscow, Russia: Деловая газета Взляд. Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  8. ^ a b "Сняты с мели два танкера" (in Russian). 2009-10-18. Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  9. ^ a b "Танкер наскочил на затонувшее судно" (in Russian). News (Ship Supply and Services). 2009-10-15. Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  10. ^ a b Ермолаев, Денис (2009-11-13). "В Иркутской области оштрафованы капитаны, посадившие на мель танкер с дизтопливом" (in Russian). Moscow, Russia: Federal Press. Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  11. ^ "Восточно-Сибирской транспортной прокуратурой поручено провести проверку по факту посадки на мель на р. Лена танкера с дизельным топливом" (in Russian). Irkutsk Oblast (Irkutsk, Russia: Восточно-Сибирская транспортная прокуратура). 2009-10-15. Retrieved 2009-11-15. 
  12. ^ a b Раскин, Александр (1996-07-02). "Судно тушили более пяти часов" (in Russian). Moscow, Russia: Kommersant. Retrieved 2009-11-15.